Mining Cadastre Directorate

Commenced in

The goal of this project is the establishment of an efficient and transparent cadastre system for granting and managing mineral rights in Niger. The cadastre system established is based on GAF’s eMC+ a fully web-based software configured to match the requirements of the Mining Code and Affiliated regulations of the Republic of Niger. The project is conducted in two subsequent phases.

In practical terms, the services of this project focus on the following items:

  • Improving the performance and transparency of mineral rights management in accordance with the Mining Code and its implementing regulations as well as other legislation and regulations in Niger.
  • Design, architectural specification, and implementation of a centralised database for the Mining Cadastre.
  • Development and provision of an effective and user-friendly software for managing the Mining Cadastre database.
  • Capacity building with regard to the management of the mineral rights.

The new computerized mining cadastre software eMC+ brings several benefits and strengthens the technical and management capacities of the MMDI:

  • Prevent conflicts due to overlapping titles, avoid granting outside national borders.
  • Increase the transparency of the licensing process.
  • Optimize and streamline the processing of applications for granting or modifying.
  • Enhance synergies by improving the communication between the Mining Cadastre and stakeholders.
  • Increasing the confidence of international mining investors in the mining sector of Niger thus stimulating the country’s attractiveness for investments.