The project covered the provision of institutional advice and technical assistance in order to design and implement a national Geological and Mining Information System (BPGRM) to fulfil the following operational functions:
- Storing and retrieval of all exploration relevant data sets of PRGM
- Production of standardised maps and reports for the support of the mining industry
- Performing customary exploration target generation for a wide range of commodities
The primary objective was the promotion of the mining sector in Madagascar by improved use of geological, geochemical, geophysical, remote sensing, environmental and field/rock analysis data for the generation and provision of appropriate information products and services, better promotion and dissemination.
The following services are to provided within the framework of the project:
- Detailed user assessment, procedures analysis, data inventory, and user requirements consolidation
- Design of an appropriate information system with hard- and software infrastructure, GIS and geodata-bases
- Procurement, installation and commissioning - consulting
- Development of a functional prototype
- Management and quality control of populating the GIS/DB
- Training in operation, data analysis and system maintenance
- Set-up of a website for communication and promotion including webmapping capabilities
- Design, planning and monitoring of promotion and dissemination activities
- Institutional Support including drafting of data policy
The project successfully established a comprehensive Geological Information System at PGRM's premises in Antananarivo, Madagscar. In addition internet- and intranet site has been developed and installed. The website provides detailed information about ongoing mineral sector activities, data availabe at PGRM in digital and analog format, and online maps to show spatial daata such as mineral tenures, geophysics, or radiometrical data throughout the internet.
Besides the technical aspects of the project, a comprehensive set of promotional material like mineral potential maps, brochures, etc. has been prepared.